Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Are You Gonna Go My Way?

According to Wikipedia, it is some body's 100th birthday this year...somebody that most of us get to see practically every day. Who is this centenarian I speak of? Your friend and mine, the directional turn signal on your car.

D.T. Signal was born in 1907, but it would be over 30 years before he really found his way in the world and became the commonplace auto accoutrement that we are used to today. Although spasmodic and erratic in personality, he has served us faithfully, helping us to let others know our intentions when words just wouldn't do. On occasion, he is misused by those inattentive to him and can be deceiving for miles at a time, but over the years he has sought to make himself a better person and increased his communication skills with those he works with. And you think he doesn't work hard for you? That poor boy fires off at least 60, and when his is looking for a good cardio workout, up to 120 times a minute. But don't let that stop you from using him often, he keeps himself in remarkably good shape, and he even has a back-up team of sidekicks (the Hand Signals) in case he is under the weather.

That being said, let me tell you about something that really steams me: people who refuse to use their turn signal lights. With the exception of people who love riding my tail when driving, I don't know if I can think of one other thing that bothers me more on the road. If you are driving near me, I like knowing where you are going. If you are going to cut in front of me, or zip around me, or just plain are getting off the road I am on...just let me know. Even if you think to yourself, "My turning or changing lanes isn't really going to affect this guy" why not be courteous and just give me that little visual confirmation of what you are about to do.

Furthermore, why wouldn't you use your turn signal? It is absolutely effortless; a little flick of the wrist, and my boy DTS does the rest. Here are my three theories: 1) People are generally lazy - despite how easy it is...they still have to do something. 2) People just cannot be bothered -they aren't necessarily lazy, they just don't care...besides, that guy behind me will figure it out once I start turning. 3) People are just rude or expect rudeness from others - if I signal, they may not let me into that lane. I accept none of these excuses.

Whether we realize it or not, driving is a social event, and arguably it is the most interaction we have with other people during the day. So make it count. Team up with Direction T. Signal and the only thing you stand to lose is a whole fistful of middle fingers coming your way.

Same to same,

Capt. Hendry

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