Sunday, May 20, 2007

Last King of Scotland

This film was nothing like I expected. I had settled into the fact that this film would be a decent film which was heavily overshadowed by an amazing performance by Forest Whitaker. I figured that it would be heavy and depressing and more a performance piece than anything...I was terribly wrong.

The first half of this film is flat out fun. It is lively, it is funny and Whitaker is charismatic/psychotic. James McAvoy, who was a newcomer to my movie scene, plays his role as the youthful Scottish doctor with a contagious energy that carries the film (and the viewer) joyfully along with such momentum, that I didn't even realize the film had switched gears to a thriller before it was too late. I, like McAvoy's character, had become so embedded in the near Utopian lifestyle that Uganda was providing, that by the time Whitaker's character (the infamous dictator General Idi Amin Dada) starts to really scare is way too late to just duck out.

I am surprised that this didn't get more Picture nominations in such a lackluster year....I really liked.

Same to Same.

Capt. Hendry

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